Our Services

- Minor Illness Clinic
- Diabetic Chiropody
- Dressings
- ECG’s
- Respiratory Clinic
- Counselling service available at IAPT
- Childhood Immunisations
- Minor Procedures
- General Nursing
- Care Co-ordinators
- Long Term Conditions
- Flu Clinics
- Phlebotomy
- Spirometry
- Cervical Screening

Health Checks
NHS Health Checks - Are you 40-74?
Patients aged 40-74 years of age, who do not have a pre-existing diagnosis of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or high blood pressure, are entitled to a NHS Health Check every 5 years. If you would like a Health Check, please ask a receptionist to make you an appropriate appointment.
75+ Year Old Health Checks
If you are aged 75 years and over you are entitled to an over 75 Health Check provided by the Practice. If you would like an over 75 Health Check, please ask a receptionist to make you an appropriate appointment.

Help to Quit/Help to Slim
The Help to Quit/Help to Slim service is for patients wishing to stop smoking or lose weight. If you are interested in quitting smoking or losing weight, but need a little help doing so, contact the Practice to book an appointment with our Help to Quit/Help to Slim advisor.
Exercise on Referral
For more information please click on the links below: